Areas of Expertise, In-Depth

Strategic & Business Planning

Perhaps Grant Management Group and Jamie Grant are best known for their work on strategic planning. GMG believes that it is vital that many stakeholders participate in the planning process and that the final document must reflect a team effort. The final document must also be brief and simple tool that actually gets used during the life of the plan.

The planning process must:

  • Review the existing mission, vision and guiding principles and create, adjust or amend as required

  • Define what is success and how do we know when it is achieved?

  • Clarify what is an appropriate measurement tool or metric to judge success?

  • Complete a SWOT analysis and environmental scan

  • Survey and gather community feedback from all stakeholders

  • Develop broad objectives for the next decade and specific objectives for the period of the plan

  • Develop a five-year financial forecast

  • And, perhaps most importantly, develop a mechanism to examine and review the success of the plan going forward

Organizational Review

Many experts agree that human resources is and will continue to be for many years the largest issue facing the performing arts. An organization’s ability to attract and retain the best and brightest in the business has become challenging since the pandemic. And when you do have a stellar employee how do you keep them?

Grant Management Group has looked at staffing and department structure, corporate culture, governance planning and goal setting.

Having the unique experience of opening three performing arts centers in his career, Jamie has done theatre operations and feasibility work for both new and existing projects.

GMG’s approach to maximizing and monetizing opportunities is based on real experience, not theory. Improve outcomes on:

  • Ticket sales

  • Ancillary revenue sources

  • Fundraising

  • Sponsorship

  • Campaign Planning

Revenue Generation

Leadership Development

According to the Boston Globe, it is anticipated that “two out of three not for profit leaders will retire in the next ten years.” Succession planning is not on most not for profit’s radar, and very few middle managers are prepared to assume institutional leadership roles. GMG has created “The Leadership Intensive”, a hands-on training workshop that looks at leadership from a variety of different points of view. With topics that focus on but are not limited to:

  • Leading from behind and leading from in front

  • Me and my board — governance vs. management

  • Revenue — maximizing and monetizing all your opportunites

  • Management and motivation

  • The CEO and fundraising, and why it matters

This program is available for individuals and group, and can be customized to specific organizations.

Executive Search

Grant’s years of experience makes him an exceptional interim leader for any organization going through a transition. When things are moving so quickly your organization cannot afford to simply pause while you complete a search process. GMG can help keep your organization moving forward and Jamie can himself create a sense of calm for staff and board during a challenging time.